About Us

The story behind Chesed Pantry.

The night was still. The sharp shrill of his bedside phone rudely awakened R' Yoel Fuchs. The caller urgently related the reason for his untimely call. An overseas patient, admitted at Hadassah Kerem hospital, suffered a ruptured appendix and required an immediate operation. The patient had no family in Israel, thus R’ Yoel arranged for steady visitors to visit a fellow suffering yid. However, volunteers were reluctant, for there were no accommodations and kosher food or drinks available within the 10 mile radius.

The need for a Bikur Cholim room in the hospital was highlighted – bold and strong.
Honorable Askan R’ Yitzchak Markowitz from Beth Shemesh answered the call.
Ultimately, Chesed Pantry was initiated.

R’ Yoel Fuchs and Chaim Perlstein arranged a meeting with the CEO of the Hospital, and flew over to meet him. They explained the significance of their mission, and he agreed to allocate a nicely sized room for this purpose, on the condition that all expenses involved in the project is on them. Deal. Hands shook. Now the ball started rolling.

The room assigned was bare, with cemented walls, and pipes peeping from every corner. Renovations started big, by erecting the walls and painting the room in inviting hues. A modern, state-of-the-art kitchen was installed, and top brand appliances lined the room. Finally, they set up a table and comfortable chairs, and the transformed room was to be stocked with food.

The exorbitant cost of $72,000 for the restorations was big-heartedly and altruistically funded by the selfless individuals Burich Karfinkel and Chaim Yida Perlstein, with the help of Chonen Vnosen respected board members: R' Yoel Fuchs and Yoel Schwimmer and Mendel Kaf.

Heart and mind were invested in erecting the room, with one thought in mind – to grant the suffering families a place of reprieve, an oasis amidst their stormy lives.

Your donation today, will ease a Yid’s pain tomorrow.