Nourishing meals sustain body and soul of our suffering brethren in Eretz Yisroel.

Just the mention of the word hospital, is enough to instill fear and apprehension in one’s heart. The fear of the unknown. The fear of foreign terminology and esteemed doctor personnel. The fear of groping in the dark, with no support. The distress of going on for hours during these tumultuous times, malnourished and fatigued.

Chesed Pantry fills the void for aching patients and families by feeding and nourishing the body, heart, and soul.


The agony of one day in the confines of pristine hospital walls, with the sanitary scent of medicine permeating the air is enough to drive one’s hope and sanity away.

When there’s health – there’s everything. Food promotes health. Courage. Piece of mind. Vitality. For a patient and his relatives in the hospital, food is what keeps them alive during these trying times, when personal needs tend to be forgotten.